Mike has a great sense of gratitude being born into a family that farmed, used horses and was able to assist him in following his interest in horses. This gratitude drives Mikes desire to ‘pay it forward’. To create ‘a better deal for horses’, through education and the skill development of their trainers.

As a small child, the time Mike spent on the farm with his uncle Jack Oxley exposed Mike to the remarkable versatility of a well trained horse. The time with Uncle Jack, who belonged to a generation who relied on horses for all farm work, transport and recreation. The last generation to have done this. This instilled in Mike a deep appreciation for these animals.
Mike witnessed this unique transition that saw the industrial revolution’s mechanisation relegate horses to largely recreational use.

Building on his practical upbringing, Mike has been proactive in seeking out top coaches globally to enhance his professional development. He has learned from esteemed figures like Canadian showjumping coach Jen Hamilton, Spanish classical dressage coach Raphael Soto, Australian polo coach Jim MacGinley, Equine exercise physiology Professor Warwick Bailey and numerous other leaders in their respected fields.

With experience training horses across various equestrian codes and racing, Mike has made the observation that in general, everyone within a specific code is doing the same thing plus or minus 10%. Consequently significant advancements in training often stem from studying practices outside ones own discipline. Having a broad perspective allows us to identify foundational training methods applicable across all equestrian codes. This holistic approach is now what we refer to as dressage.

Mikes commitment to imparting knowledge to riders, from beginners to the competitive athletes is evident in his consistent professional dedication. As with his approach to training horses, Mike provides step by step foundation training that can be tailored to any skill level. His patience in teaching mirrors his approach with horses. Witnessing the progression of skills and the development of the bond between horse and rider brings Mike immense satisfaction.

Coaching: $140 per hour
7 week Coaching Package (Includes online foundation levels or online code-specific levels): $990.
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